CBH Architect LLC

Lit Arts RI

RI Monthly: 2023 Gold Design Award – Commercial Renovation

Building on Broadway

As design architect, we developed the program, shepherded the design through the Historic District Commission process and assembled the team for the renovation of this existing concrete block masonry building. We added a second story and planned for a fully electrical building powered by solar panels on the roof. The existing asphalt parking lot is to be transformed into a terrace and gardens, and the second story incorporates a rooftop garden. One enters a contemporary gallery space, and progresses through a paneled library space, ascending to an airy, light-filled second floor where each room has a different vibe: from Moroccan bath to Scandinavian birch minimalism to Louis XIV salon.

The exterior expression is meant to evoke the feeling of a civilized urban building, like a club in London or New York. The small balconies with their plantings provide a welcoming feeling both inside and out. The spaces are meant to be an oasis in the city.

The program includes a gallery space, a library, offices and large and small meeting rooms. Skylights will punctuate the staircase as well as a common area. The metal windows and doors allude to Parisian buildings, as does the façade expression.

Riverside Residence

w/ Site Specific LLC

Outdoor Kitchen

w/ Site Specific


A retail space on Hope St in Providence used a polished concrete floor, custom shelving, a matte silver ceiling and bright pop of color to create an energizing yet serene environment for a spa and wellness shop.